Episode 05 -- Guest Appearance

Hey guys,

Another episode released! Episode 05 has our first community interview featuring Fusion, part of the PS3Trophies.com guide team. We apologize for the low audio quality of the interview, part of the delay of episode 05 was to clean up the audio. Luckily we've isolated the issue, and it appears to be software related--so it won't happen next interview. Either way, hopefully you'll all enjoy the show, it was a lot of fun.

This week we talk about Modern Warfare 2, 3D Dot Game Hero, K GUY'd Valve, polygon boobs and more!

We also announced our first annual 2009 'Platty' awards. We'll be releasing the categories soon and want your nominations! Check the PS3Trophies.com forums for more information soon.

Grab it from iTunes or click the title of this post for direct download.
